Will actress Kristen Stewart, best known for her work in the “Twilight” movies take a fairy tale role? Universal reportedly has offered her the role. Find out who might be her co-stars.
The studio is testing numerous actresses for the role, but Kristen is reportedly well in the lead to achieve it.
The Huntsman was originally intended to be Michael Fassbender – who you might remember from ‘X-Men: First Class’ – but he’d already committed to do ‘Prometheus’ with Ridley Scott before the suits at Universal got round to making an offer.
With Fassbender out, Vigo Mortensen is now in talks for the role, but Deadline says there’s no decision as yet.
And his potential co-star, Charlize Theron is on course for a neat double-header – She’s signed to star as the Evil Queen in ‘Snow White,’ and is also due to appear with Fassbender in ‘Prometheus.’
Some people say Kristen’s role as Joan Jett proved her talent and range. Others say she has all the scope and charisma of lukewarm oatmeal. But what’s your position – Could she hold your attention opposite Vigo, or is this another bad idea by her agent?