usi On Saturday, 5 February 2011
Ronald Reagan believed in American exceptionalism. Ronald Reagan believed in the American people who are the wellspring of that exceptionalism. Ronald Reagan unapologetically, unswervingly and unconditionally loved America.

In these troubled times there are so many reasons for pessimism. The current administration and their congressional allies have taken our nation down a dark path towards a future that we do not want. In spite of what the Main Stream Media and members of our own government have said, the America of Ronald Reagan is alive and well. We see it in the faces of our neighbors at town hall meetings and tea parties, we read about it in new media outlets like American Thinker, we hear it in the voice of conservative talk radio and we know it in our hearts.

Saturday, February 6th 2010 will be Ronald Reagan's 99th birthday. As we begin the countdown to The Reagan Centennial let us pause to remember the strength, the courage, the integrity, the character, the warmth and the humor that made Ronald Reagan the quintessential American President.